Finding Justice in Palestine



The simple fact is that two peoples, in roughly equal numbers and with distinct national identities, reside in the territory that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Israel exercises various degrees of hegemony over that territory, which includes Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The people who reside there, however, have been sorted by Israel into four primary categories. There are Israeli Jews (including West Bank settlers), who enjoy exclusive first-class citizenship in the Israeli state, as most recently enshrined in Israel’s 2018 nation-state law. There are Palestinian citizens of Israel, who have political rights but suffer discrimination within the state. There are Palestinians in the West Bank, who live as noncitizens under foreign-military occupation, or who contend with Israeli-settler encroachment and violence. And there are Palestinians in Gaza, who live as noncitizens under a military blockade and are currently suffering through Israel’s brutal military campaign.



