Kamala Harris and the Threat of a Woman’s Laugh


2024-07-24  1198  困难

This last point is what some on the right seem to be trying to latch on to—the idea that Harris’s laughter might betray something else about her. “The woman continually laughs this ridiculous laugh,” the far-right Australian commentator Teena McQueen said on Sky News Australia last year. “I don’t know what drugs she’s on, or what makes her so happy all the time, but she’s an absolute disgrace and she hasn’t done women any favors.” Women who laugh in public have historically been associated with a lack of social modesty, with hysteria, and even with madness. In insisting that Harris’s laugh is somehow a sign of psychological depravity or narcotic-induced lack of inhibitions, conservatives are doing their best to couple Harris in people’s subconscious with a specific reaction: disgust.



