M. Night Shyamalan Made a Comedy

M. Night Shyamalan制作了一部喜剧

2024-08-03  877  中等

That it works at all is due in large part to Josh Hartnett, an actor who’s enjoying something of a career renaissance after his work in last year’s Oppenheimer. Here, Hartnett stars as Cooper, a father taking his daughter, Riley (Ariel Donoghue), to the Lady Raven concert, but who also turns out to be—and this is only a surprise if you’ve avoided every single trailer—a serial killer known as “The Butcher.” The concert is doubling as an elaborate ruse by the authorities to catch Cooper, who must find a way to escape without raising any suspicions, most of all from Riley. Hartnett is a thrill to watch as Cooper slips between his dual personas from scene to scene, awkwardly bonding with Riley in one moment and fooling SWAT teams with practiced cool the next. When Cooper begins to understand how difficult it will be for him to leave with his daughter in tow, Hartnett injects a touch of nerves into Cooper’s every move. His smiles grow more forced, his lies more complicated, his stance more stiff—enough for Riley to notice that something’s off.



