NATGEO  |  Travel

Why the caves of Turkey's Cappadocia are best explored on foot


Also known as the Zelve open-air museum, the Zelve valley offers hikers the opportunity to trek between towering rock formations.

2024-08-03  808  中等

The oldest parts of Derinkuyu are thought to have been built as long ago as 1200 BCE by the Hittite people, who dominated Anatolia during the Bronze Age. Its purpose was to create a refuge from invading Phrygians, from whom they were under near-constant attack. As many as 20,000 people, along with their livestock, could have lived down here for a month or so at a time before re-emerging into the sunlight. “Everyone needs their vitamin D,” says Giray. He tells me that there are as many as 60 of these underground cities beneath Cappadocia, and every year they’re finding more.



