How “Industry” Made Prestige TV for the TikTok Era

“行业”如何为 TikTok 时代制作了高端电视节目

2024-08-07  1626  晦涩

The show is poised as the inheritor of the prestige-TV mantle, but it doesn’t quite look or act like what we’ve come to expect from the genre. Watching it is something like scrolling through thirty-second clips of “Mad Men” out of order on TikTok, or watching “Succession” on 2X speed. I mean that mostly as a compliment. “Industry” ’s first two seasons were headlong experiments in character, pacing, subplot, and audiovisual stimuli, sometimes extreme to the point of incomprehensibility. The third titrates the formula perfectly; as if to simulate the characters’ habitual bumps of coke and ketamine, the plot jolts forward and shudders to a halt, to maximize the drama. It’s like the opposite of A.S.M.R., an indulgence for the Internet-torched attention span, offering stimulus at every turn. “I haven’t done blow since 9/11!” Eric Tao (Ken Leung), the featured Pierpoint team’s Machiavellian boss and problematic mentor, says in one of the season’s best one-liners, an art form that “Industry” has perfected.



