She Had Been Coughing for Two Years. The Cause Was a Surprise.


2024-05-16  1531  困难

But a year and a half later, she still had the cough. It was her constant companion, with her all day long, and according to her daughter — who moved back in with her when the pandemic struck — it was there all night as well. And it was a disgusting-sounding cough, as if she was coughing up something awful. Even worse, over the past couple of months she noticed that exercise was harder. She used to be a big walker — she and her dog could stride for miles on the beach and through the village. Now even a short walk could leave her out of breath. Not gasping but winded in a way she had never been from simply walking. Sometimes just making her bed would make her breathe a little harder than she should. Sure, she was 75, but she was a healthy 75. At least she thought she was.



