ATLANTIC  |  ideas

Society Tells Me to Celebrate My Disability. What If I Don’t Want To?


I look, I’m told, basically normal. I am not in a wheelchair. I have good control of my limbs. I write and I paint. I can do most everyday tasks. Although my symptoms are typical—­muscular tightness, limited movement ability, poor muscle development—­they are mild. For this reason, everyone calls me lucky. And it’s true—compared with other kids in the waiting room of the cerebral-palsy ward, I was lucky, extremely lucky. But still, I never asked to be in that waiting room. I did not look like those kids inside the hospital—would balk at being classed with them, even—but my body didn’t fit in outside the hospital either. Doctors, friends, parents—a platoon of people who have never experienced what I have—commend me on my normalness. This always makes me feel accomplished, until I realize that what they really mean is: Normal, considering …



