Dear James: I See Every Tiny Problem as a Social Injustice

2024-09-17  624  中等

Having difficulty controlling my sweets overeating? “THIS! is a corruption of the food industry! The junk-food industrial complex should be tried and charged! WHERE is the government regulation we need for these monsters!” Father-in-law suggests that I or his wife stop “fussing” over my baby’s blanket before a walk? “THIS! is a problem of deep-seated misogyny that has infected my husband and all his brothers’ perception of women, making all our lives deeply unfair and distressing!” Feminist boss says something critical about my appearance? “THIS! is an abuse of power! It’s deeply ideological and unprofessional, and she should be taken down instantly!” The list goes on and on. No challenge I ever face is just that: a conflict between me and another individual. (Which, arguably, would be easier to tackle.) Rather, it has to be massive and insurmountable, a deep-rooted problem that demands the transformation of the entire structure of the West. I’m utterly, utterly exhausted of my own mind.



