Laura Loomer Is Where Republicans Draw the Line

2024-09-17  997  中等

Republican politicians do not like her proximity to the ex-president and have said so. “Laura Loomer is a crazy conspiracy theorist who regularly utters disgusting garbage intended to divide Republicans,” and stands to “hurt President Trump’s chances of winning re-election. Enough,” Republican Senator Thom Tillis tweeted on Friday. Other Republicans, including Lindsey Graham and even Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has espoused her own racist and conspiratorial ideas, made the rare move of implicitly challenging Trump in public; Greene said that Loomer does not have “the right mentality to advise” the president. Trump’s own staff has even reportedly tried to keep Loomer away from him. She has become a rare thing for the GOP these days: a red line that the party is not willing to cross.



