Germany’s Free Democrats have become desperate spoilers

A German car waits at a set of traffic lights. The amber light glows with the face of Christian Lindner. Attached to the lights is a hazard road sign with an exclamation mark.


That makes it dangerous. In domestic politics the party now constantly snipes at its coalition allies and flirts with the opposition, making an already unpopular government even more so. In Brussels, meanwhile, FDP grandstanding has helped gum up EU legislation on issues from vehicle emissions to supply-chain rules to the protection of nature. The actual damage that has been caused has, so far, been limited, except perhaps to the mental health of thwarted Eurocrats and to Germany’s reputation as a force for moderation. But as the spring budget-making season in Berlin heats up, and as European elections approach in June (followed by a trio of tight German state elections in September), the temptation for the FDP to undermine its coalition partners and sabotage European unity will only increase.



