The Conservatives’ world has disappeared. Don’t tell Rishi Sunak

Close up of Downing street, Sunak with tory logo flags leaning out window, giant red sun/rose in the background

2024-05-08  1026  困难

Such near-heroic denial of circumstances is now in vogue in British politics. On May 3rd Rishi Sunak took a victory lap in Teesside, which was the Conservative Party’s only victory out of 11 mayoral races in local elections. “I’ve got a message for the Labour Party,” said the Tory prime minister, currently trailing Labour by 20 points in national polls. “They know that they have to win here in order to win a general election.” In fact the Conservatives suffered a swing against them which would guarantee they lose every seat in a region that is a vital chunk of the “red wall”—a band of traditionally Labour constituencies that the party is so proud of winning in the 2019 general election.



