Why Mexico’s largest-ever election matters

Voting materials arrive to a warehouse in Mexicali, Mexico.

2024-05-16  630  中等

But the presidency is only one of some 20,000 jobs up for grabs in what will be Mexico’s largest election ever, measured by the number of voters and available posts. Mexicans will also elect representatives to all 628 seats in Congress, nine governors, more than 1,000 local legislators and some 18,000 municipal roles. The results will determine the political environment in which the next president will operate. They may also define the future of Mexico’s traditional opposition parties, which have been discredited since their last stint in power. “What is at stake is the democratic viability of Mexico: the possibility of having a party system that reflects the democratic pluralism of the country,” says Clemente Castañeda, a senator running for re-election with Citizens’ Movement, a relatively young progressive party.



