Boaz v BlackRock: Whoever wins, closed-end funds lose

Illustration of a man trapped in a box with walls made of share certificates

2024-05-23  789  中等

The funds—worth nearly $10bn based on current share prices—run at a steep discount to the value of the assets in their portfolios. Like publicly listed firms, closed-end funds sell shares in an initial public offering and trade on secondary markets. Since they do not offer new shares to incoming investors, as mutual and exchange-traded funds do, their share prices are able to drift far from the value of their assets. Boaz Weinstein, Saba’s founder, wants BlackRock’s funds to offer to buy back shares from investors, pointing to a history of poor returns. He argues that if investors could exit at the full value of their assets, some $1.4bn in value would be unlocked. Saba is also promoting a slate of nominees to the funds’ boards at shareholder meetings scheduled across the second half of June. These representatives will, it says, negotiate for lower fees.



