Hey Siri! Help me get Apple out of an AI-shaped hole

2024-06-11  1068  困难

Apple is suffering one of its periodic bouts of investor angst. Call it the curse of the missing mojo. In the past 18 months Wall Street has convinced itself—as it has a few times since Jobs died in 2011—that the creative spark bequeathed by Apple’s Promethean co-founder has finally sputtered out. Behind that is a real problem: sales of the iPhone, which account for half of Apple’s revenues, are slowing. But there is a perception problem, too. Apple’s aloof response to the euphoria over generative artificial intelligence (AI) has cost it its crown as the world’s most valuable company, which it lost to its one-time nemesis, Microsoft. To make matters worse, the market value of Nvidia, maker of chips that power generative-AI tools, this month briefly overtook that of Apple. Its boss, Jensen Huang, is treated like the second coming of Jobs.



