Is the New York Times bestseller list politically biased?

An illustration showing eight blue books with donkeys on the cover and two red books with elephants on the cover. The blue books are prominent and central to the image whereas the red books are smaller and near the edges.

2024-06-11  1713  晦涩

Such criticism is not wholly new. The New York Times, which has kept a tally of bestsellers since 1931, came under fire in 1983, when William Peter Blatty, author of “The Exorcist”, sued the paper for omitting his book “Legion” from the fiction bestseller list. (His case was eventually dismissed.) And last year James Patterson, who has had nearly 290 New York Times bestsellers, complained that the paper was “cooking the books” when a non-fiction title of his did not make the cut. Like Coca-Cola, the New York Times guards its proprietary formula; exactly which retailers report sales, how they are weighted and which sales are screened out is shrouded in mystery.



