Can António Costa make a success of the world’s hardest political gig?

António Costa riding a unicycle whilst juggling balls with the EU stars on them. He is dropping a couple of the balls.

2024-06-27  332  简单

Bar a last-minute calamity on June 27th European leaders will plump for António Costa as the next PEC, as the job is known in the Brussels patois. A former prime minister of Portugal from 2015 until April, the 62-year-old will be the fourth person to hold the position since it was created in its current form in 2009 (it used to rotate between the EU’s various leaders every six months). The job is in effect for five years, meaning Mr Costa will be on the European scene long after France’s Emmanuel Macron has gone, and doubtless outlast the German chancellor Olaf Scholz, too. Making sure that France and Germany are pushing in the same direction is one of the jobs of the PEC, and not one that has been done well in recent years. Of the three cheers that will resound when Mr Costa is confirmed, two of them will be to celebrate the departure of the incumbent, Charles Michel, a former Belgian prime minister who has fumbled his way in the role since 2019.



