Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen will haunt NATO’s 75th birthday party

A photo illustration shows a balloon with the NATO logo about to be deflated by sticks with the flags of the USA and France.

2024-07-04  1809  困难

It was all supposed to be very different: a celebration of the world’s most successful alliance, created in 1949 in the early days of the cold war. Its longevity has defied naysayers for decades. And its purpose has been bitterly re-affirmed by Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine. Yet NATO again lives in dread for its future. Partly this is owing to external threats, but mainly it is because of the internal convulsions that will result if NATO-sceptics such as Mr Trump and Marine Le Pen, leader of the hard-right National Rally, come to power next year and in 2027, respectively.



