Efforts to teach character bring promise and perils

Illustration of a person from the back with a keyhole on their blue head, wearing a green shirt, and holding a large white key against an yellow background.

2024-07-07  1268  晦涩

Many educators today take enthusiastically to this thinking, under the auspices of “social and emotional learning” (SEL), a term as fuzzy as it is ubiquitous. Proponents of SEL say that teachers could be doing heaps more to instil in youngsters useful attributes such as optimism, empathy and emotional stability. The pandemic supercharged interest in this approach, as educators searched for ways to shore up young teens’ lagging social skills or give them techniques for beating the blues. Yet critics see a shiny distraction from the hard graft of academic learning. They worry that all sorts of spurious ideas are riding in on its coat-tails.



