Tech bros love J.D. Vance. Many CEOs are scared stiff

A stylised illustration showing J.D. Vance marching along holding two US flags with personified tech objects marching along with him and showing love on one side, whilst three personified buildings are running away from him on the other side.

2024-07-17  992  中等

Among entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, Mr Vance’s nomination has led tech bros who once kept their arch-conservative clothes in the closet to come out in full MAGA regalia. Elon Musk, who according to the Wall Street Journal is planning to throw $45m a month behind Mr Trump’s presidential run, said the Trump-Vance ticket “resounds with victory”. Delian Asparouhov of the Founders Fund, a venture-capital (VC) firm co-founded by Mr Thiel, jumped the gun with boyish insouciance, tweeting: “We have a former tech VC in the White House. Greatest country on earth baby.” Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, the eponymous co-founders of a VC goliath, released a video the day after Mr Vance’s nomination backing Mr Trump (albeit with pretend sheepishness: “Sorry Mom,” Mr Horowitz bleated).



