J.D. Vance, an honorary Frenchman, sends Europe into panic mode

J.D. Vance reading Hillbilly Elegy in front of his chimney. He is surrounded by American flags, a MAGA cap and a portrait of Charles De Gaulle.

2024-07-18  1036  困难

A glum mood has pervaded Europe as the realisation of a return of Donald Trump to the White House has become not just possible but likely. The former president’s choice of an establishment Republican figure as running-mate might have soothed nerves set jangling by past promises that the war in Ukraine would be settled “in 24 hours”, whatever that means. Mr Vance is not that. His MAGA rhetoric on Europe exudes the brash confrontationalism perfected by Mr Trump. If the man on the top of the ticket has a visceral feeling America is being ripped off by Europeans scrimping on defence, his vice-presidential pick adds a layer of indifference to what is happening in a faraway land of which he knows little. “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” he once told an interviewer. Earlier this year he spearheaded the opposition to a $60bn military-aid plan to Ukraine, then skipped a meeting with its president, Volodymyr Zelensky. A peace settlement Mr Vance has mooted includes Ukraine losing much territory and accepting “neutrality”, two Kremlin demands.



