Why investors have fallen in love with small American firms

Illustration of a hand with the index finger pointing up, wearing a small red baseball cap on the tip of the finger, set against a pink background.

2024-07-18  791  中等

Now the unloved miniatures of America’s stockmarket are having their day in the sun. For most of the year, their shareholders watched the bull market from the stands: the Russell 2000 barely budged, while the S&P 500 index of large American firms rose by almost a fifth. Until the past week, that is, when the Russell 2000 was hurled forward as if by both of the market’s charging horns. The index has jumped by 9%, reaching its highest level since the beginning of 2022. Compared with the S&P 500, which is down slightly over the past week, its outperformance is the largest in history. Analysts are debating whether the move is a freak incident, the beginning of a “small-cap summer” or even a “great rotation” from big stocks to small ones.



