Will Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to America repair or weaken ties?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks before a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington in 2015

2024-07-18  1574  困难

It was as recently as March that Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, excoriated Mr Netanyahu as an “obstacle to peace” and called for new elections to remove him. The snub was all the sharper, given that Mr Schumer, Congress’s most prominent Jewish member, thinks of himself as a shomer or “protector” of Israel. Three months later the shomer yielded, joining other congressional leaders in inviting Mr Netanyahu to give his oration. “America’s relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends one person or prime minister,” he explained. President Joe Biden, a friend to Israel but long exasperated by Mr Netanyahu, will receive him at the White House, too.



