Bibi Netanyahu offered spectacle over substance in America

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives to speak to a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on July 24th 2024

2024-07-25  978  中等

Mr Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress was the main event, at least for him. It was a way to emphasise, both to Israelis and to the Biden administration, the support that he enjoys there. The meetings scheduled with Mr Biden and his potential successors, Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, or Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic candidate, were afterthoughts. He had angled for the invitation for months even as tensions with the Biden administration worsened over Israel’s war. It came, at last, from the Republicans, who remain friendly towards him, and then, more grudgingly, from the Democrats many of whom were absent during his speech, including Ms Harris. His address was received rapturously, with standing ovations, proving once again how popular Mr Netanyahu is among Republicans. Whether that will impress Israelis is another matter.



