How King Charles III counts his swans

Crew members riding boats get ready to look for swans.

2024-07-25  527  中等

Which is why, on a hot summer day, six small wooden boats are making their way along the River Thames. This is not yet the great, grey Thames that slides through London but the gentler, greener river that flows towards it. A few miles upstream, punts take to the water in Oxford; a few miles downstream is the house that is said to have inspired Toad Hall. Here, there is sun on the water and wind in the willows. And here is also where the annual “Swan Upping” census takes place, a five-day-long, 800-year-old ceremony in which mature swans and cygnets are caught and counted, and mature men dress up as sailors in scarlet blazers and Breton tops and shout “All Up” whenever they see a swan.



