The war on tourism is often self-harming

A demonstrator uses a megaphone as people protest against mass tourism.

2024-07-29  1330  困难

During the depths of the covid-19 pandemic many predicted that tourism would never return. Now, however, holidaymakers are back. According to UN Tourism, a multilateral agency, this year trips are set to nudge 1.5bn, up a tad from 2019. The dollar, measured against a basket of currencies, is worth more than at any point over the past two decades, barring a four-month spell in 2022—meaning that Americans are particularly keen to travel. This ought to be a gift to the cities and countries being visited. Tourists bring cash and make little use of taxpayer-funded services. Indeed, officials in central banks and finance ministries quietly welcome the inflows, even as politicians are being pushed by voters to soak tourists (with taxes) and limit arrival numbers.



