Edna O’Brien’s books scandalised Ireland

Irish novelist, playwright and poet Edna O'Brien

2024-07-31  1097  困难

The Catholic Church wasn’t much of a one for nudity in the 1960s. Or for her books, which also had nudity in them. Not to mention sex and breasts and gussets and sinful black knickers—and sinful married men who slipped their hands into them. “The Country Girls”, one archbishop said, was “filth” which “should not be allowed inside any decent home”. It was “a smear on Irish womanhood”, while she herself was “corrupting the minds of young women”. The Irish Censorship Board banned her novel upon publication. She even had her own books confiscated from her: when she arrived in Dublin Airport, customs officials seized the copies that she had in her suitcase. She was furious; less at the prudishness than the price: she’d just lost £5-worth of books.



