GPT, Claude, Llama? How to tell which AI model is best

An illustration showing a lineup of robots of different shapes and sizes.

2024-07-31  1350  困难

On MMLU, for example, the most powerful version of Llama 3.1 scored 88.6%, against 88.7% for GPT-4o and 88.3% for Claude 3.5 Sonnet, rival models made by OpenAI and Anthropic, two AI startups, respectively. Claude 3.5 Sonnet had itself been unveiled on June 20th, again with a table of impressive benchmark scores. And on July 24th, the day after Llama 3.1’s debut, Mistral, a French AI startup, announced Mistral Large 2, its latest LLM, with—you’ve guessed it—yet another table of benchmarks. Where do such numbers come from, and can they be trusted?



