Thailand’s thwarted election winner on the move to ban his party

2024-08-01  1074  晦涩

That initial euphoria, however, proved premature. In the aftermath of the elections, conservative forces swiftly mobilised to stymie our coalition’s formation. The appointed Senate, wielding its undemocratic power to vote on the premiership, defied the elected majority in the Lower House and thwarted our bid to form a government. The judiciary then intervened, suspending me from parliament for holding a minuscule stake in a defunct media company—an alleged contravention of electoral law—before reinstating me after 190 days. The coup de grâce came when the Pheu Thai Party, our erstwhile ally and the runner-up in the polls, reneged on our pact. In a stunning volte-face, Pheu Thai aligned with military-backed parties to lead the government, leaving Move Forward in opposition.



