Patriotism is replacing purpose in American business

A businessman presents a chart showing growth, to an audience made up of a couple of ordinary people, and UncleSam

2024-08-12  1215  困难

The Business Roundtable’s memo of August 2019, by contrast, insisted that companies should act in the interests of all their “stakeholders”—not just shareholders but customers, employees and society as a whole. The timing was no coincidence. According to Gallup, a polling firm, the share of Americans that had very little or no confidence in big business had rocketed from a quarter in 2000 to almost two-fifths in the aftermath of the global financial crisis (see chart). Corporate America needed a rebrand. The divisive presidency of Donald Trump presented the perfect opportunity, as America’s elites looked to companies to take action on issues ranging from climate change to racial inequality. Environmental, social and governance issues—together ESG, a discordant triptych used by investors to try and quantify corporate goodness—soon reached the top of boardroom agendas.



