Indian tourists are conquering the world

Indian Tourists At the Top Burj Khalifa, Dubai.

2024-08-20  1787  困难

India’s economic rise has lifted millions out of poverty and given the country greater geopolitical heft. Less obvious is the effect of its growing consumer class on other countries. International departures from India more than doubled, to 27m, in the decade to 2019. Overseas spending by Indian travellers tripled between 2010 and 2023, to $33bn. One forecast suggests it will jump to $45bn next year. Driving this is a mix of demography and economics. People aged between 25 and 34 are the most keen on travel; a fifth the population will age into that group soon. The middle class is expected to be twice as big by 2047. The number of valid Indian passports grew from 52m a decade ago to 93m this year.



