Why are Remainers so weak in post-Brexit Britain?

illustration of a blue beret with yellow stars, representing the EU flag, caught in a swirling tornado against a red background. The beret has a 'Stop Brexit' button pinned on it

2024-09-04  1018  晦涩

These days Sir Keir is ruling out quite a lot: not just rejoining the EU in his lifetime but the single market and customs union, too. His “reset” with European leaders this summer has been energetic and sincere. But on a visit to Berlin last month, a suggestion from Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, for a youth-mobility scheme was frostily rebuffed. The opportunity to spend a fortnight awkwardly hosting your teenager’s German penfriend (“Wie heißt das Meerschweinchen deiner Schwester?”) is not much compensation for Brexit. But it is not one Sir Keir is yet ready to grant.



