Europe must beware the temptations of technocracy

A teller counting votes on top of a ballot box while another teller sweeps votes with a broom.

2024-09-05  1040  晦涩

Even amid the voter-induced tumult, in a rainy corner of northern Europe a bit of the continent’s government machine keeps churning. A new roster of 27 European commissioners is currently being assembled in Brussels, with new assignments expected to be doled out in coming days. From migration policy to trade, regulating big tech, bolstering European defence, monitoring national finances, devising green rules and much more besides, few facets of life in the bloc are beyond the scope of the European Union’s executive behemoth. The technocratic approach it favours skirts questions around democratic accountability. But it has been so effective that the leave-it-to-the-experts method to governing has caught on beyond Brussels. When politicians fail to form national governments, outside “experts” are sometimes called upon instead. The temptations of technocracy are like a siren call for those who just want to get things done, voters be damned.



