How encrypted messaging apps conquered the world

Illustration of a government official pulling back black tape to reveal a text message in a speech bubble

2024-09-05  1790  困难

All that would later change. These “crypto wars” were won by the proponents of privacy and civil rights. End-to-end encryption has conquered the world, despite dogged efforts to ban or limit its use. Today civilians enjoy access to powerful encryption tools that would rival military cipher machines of the cold war. Secure messaging apps are used by soldiers in Ukraine—on both sides—and by teenagers swapping photos. Law-enforcement agencies argue that ubiquitous encryption has made it more difficult to detect and counter criminal activity, and that privacy should be weighed against public harm. Pro-encryption advocates retort that people have a fundamental right to private communication, and that secret backdoors in their apps and devices could be exploited by malefactors. The result is an intensifying battle involving governments, tech giants and civil-rights groups.



