Why Indonesia’s horror films are booming

A still from Nightmares and Daydreams, a Netflix drama

2024-09-05  558  中等

Mr Anwar’s work is part of a broader trend. The number of Indonesian horror movies produced in a year has surged from fewer than five in the 1990s to over 40 by 2018. After a brief decline during covid-19, the industry has picked up; 50 horror films were produced in 2023 (see chart). One of these, “KKN di Desa Penari”—based on a viral thread on X, about a purportedly real experience of students in a spooky village—became the highest-grossing film in the country, taking $25m at the box office and selling 10m tickets since its release in 2022. That year, nine of the 15 best-selling Indonesian films were horror.



