Why Kamala Harris has the advantage in debating Donald Trump

cartoon depicting Kamala Harris speaking through a megaphone, while Donald Trump speaks through a long cloud of smoke shaped like a megaphone

2024-09-05  1080  困难

In fact, Mr Biden’s answers often seemed more on point when read in transcription. His shaky delivery doomed him, along with his failure to counter his blundering adversary. Mr Trump looped back on himself, adduced perplexing facts (“We bought the certain dog”) and emitted gassy bubbles of unreality that a nimbler opponent, with a sharper wit, would have delighted in popping. “Everybody, without exception” wanted Roe v Wade overturned? Nancy Pelosi said, “I take full responsibility” for the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021? “We’re living in hell”? Really?



