America’s election is mired in conflict

The word "cheater" spray painted onto the front of the Resolute Desk

2024-09-12  1096  困难

And then there is Mr Trump. At the debate in Philadelphia this week the former president was angry and aggrieved. He repeated his false and outrageous claim that the election in 2020 was stolen—an assertion that nearly 70% of Republican voters say they endorse. He and his party are gearing up to wage the post-election war a second time. Both parties argue that victory for the other side would threaten American democracy. For Mr Trump personally the stakes are even higher: if he loses he could go to prison. If the election is not close, perhaps America might avoid another toxic transfer of power. Unfortunately for America’s increasingly beleaguered democracy, by our reckoning this presidential race is tighter today than any since polling began.



