Germany’s conservatives choose the country’s probable next leader

Friedrich Merz, leader of the CDU and Markus Söder, Chairman of the CSU

2024-09-17  1000  中等

If the decision came earlier than many expected, it was also no surprise. Mr Söder is an ill-disciplined sort who has never worked out how to convert his regional success into the national leadership he craves. Many in the CDU blame him for hobbling the CDU/CSU’s disastrous election campaign in 2021 by pursuing the nomination even after it was clear he could not win it. At a hastily assembled joint appearance in Berlin on September 17th, Messrs Merz and Söder made it clear that there would be no repeat of that debacle. Germany’s next election is due on September 28th 2025. That leaves Mr Merz, who has bags of political experience but none of the governing sort, a year to introduce himself to a sceptical electorate.



