The broken business model of British universities

collage featuring a hand holding a graduation cap's tassel, a stack of books sits to the left, while coins scattered around hint at financial aspects like student debt. The background has bold red and blue shapes with graph-like lines.

2024-09-17  1567  困难

Rising costs, combined with a fall in the number of more lucrative foreign students, are forcing cuts: some 70 institutions are retrenching in one way or another, according to a list compiled by the University and College Union, a trade union. In May the Office for Students (OfS), a regulator, said that 40% of universities and colleges expected to be in deficit by the end of the 2023-24 financial year. In a “reasonable worst-case scenario” that could rise to 80% in three years. At least one or two universities are rumoured to be close to insolvency. On September 17th the BBC reported that Universities UK, a lobby group, has asked for more funding to fill financial holes.



