The bungee-jumping, sandal-wearing right-wingers of British politics

illustration of Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, standing on a paddleboard. He is holding a paddle triumphantly above his head, with a confident smile

2024-09-18  1049  困难

The Lib Dems won 72 seats, snatching 60 of them from the Conservatives. Nearly all their gains came from the loveliest, and most prosperous, parts of southern England. The party’s task at the next election is to replace the Tories as the main opposition. The party finished in second place in 27 seats, 21 of which are Conservative-held. Conquer them and the two parties would be almost-level pegging for the first time since the Edwardian era. “Let’s finish the job,” said Sir Ed at the party’s annual conference in Brighton on September 17th.



