How much trouble is Boeing in?

Striking workers picket outside of a Boeing production facility

2024-09-19  694  中等

Boeing’s boss now has yet another crisis to deal with. On September 13th a strike by 33,000 union members, a fifth of the company’s workforce, hit sites in Washington state, where the firm assembles the 737 MAX, bringing production to a halt. Morgan Stanley, a bank, estimates that the strike will cost Boeing $2bn of cash a month at a time when its finances are already under strain. To conserve funds, Boeing said on September 18th that it would furlough tens of thousands of white-collar workers for one in every four weeks the strike continues. The last big walkout at the company, in 2008, dragged on for 58 days. This one may still prove to be short-lived. But, if it doesn’t, it could leave lasting damage.



