The Guardian view on connective labour: feelings are part of the job description | Editorial

Customers at a self-checkout at a supermarket. ‘The thinning out of connective labour by scripting, by increasing precarity and by automation needs reversing.’

2024-08-26  583  中等

Two tendencies threaten this form of employment. One is the attempt to automate this form of interpersonal and frequently idiosyncratic work. The second is the attempt to systematise it. These have come together with artificial intelligence. Prof Pugh says that when the ChatGPT bot was released in 2022, within a few weeks a US app had used it to offer “mental health support to about 4,000 people”, by using AI to compose replies to people’s requests for help. As she points out: “It’s a fallacy to think these jobs are somehow safe from the data analytics revolution or impervious to what has been called the AI spring.”



