Point of Change review – how ‘surf explorers’ wrecked a tiny Indian Ocean paradise

Bumming around … Point of Change.

2024-08-27  384  简单

Director Rebecca Coley rather indulges this woo-woo mysticism, making Point of Change both a bit creepier and sillier at the same time, enhanced by the charming bits of chunky animation throughout used to fill in backstory or illustrate ideas. The trippy 1970s vibe to the graphics suits the material well at first but serves the story less effectively later on when we meet Bonne Gea, a local woman who went on to become a champion surfer inspired by the tourists who brought the sport to the island. But as geography-cum-sports docs go, this is pretty interesting stuff, and is also – of course – chock full of impressive grainy film footage of folks riding the waves.



