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By Odin’s beard! 22 years on, Age of Mythology is still the god of strategy games

Age of Mythology: Retold

2024-08-28  1122  困难

When I was 14, Age of Mythology was absolutely my jam. I was very into my ancient civilisations. At the time I think I still wanted to be an Egyptologist and I was, rather tragically, learning Latin. I remember struggling bravely on my own heroic arc through the long, difficult campaign, in which you guide Atlantean general Arkantos through all three mythological realms. You start off with the Greeks, participating in the fall of Troy, merrily recreating the bit of the myth where Zeus rains thunderbolts down from heaven to tip the scales (though under my control, it was in favour of Agamemnon’s army). Later you join the Egyptians, before ending up in the Norselands, via the underworld. It misses no opportunity to namedrop a God, hero or creature that mythology nerds will enjoy.



