Football Daily | Nobby Solano only gets time for the briefest of solos with Blyth Spartans

Farewell, Nobby.

2024-08-28  593  中等

Famous for the time he hid in some bushes and repeatedly interrupted an increasingly exasperated Bobby Robson training-ground huddle with long and loud toots on his horn, Nobby has unfortunately been cut loose from his own managerial role and will now have more time to devote to his solos. His former assistant David Stockdale, the “big-hearted, straight-talking and fun” former Brighton and Fulham goalkeeper, will take charge for this weekend’s FA Cup qualifying clash with Campion. “The club would like to place on record its thanks to Nobby for his efforts while at Spartans,” trumpeted a club statement, soundtracked by the mellifluous strains of Chet Baker’s Lullaby of the Leaves.



