GUARDIAN  |  Games

‘The worst women you’ve ever met running a failing antique store’: uncanny adventure Mystiques: Haunted Antiques

Piercing the veil between life and death … Mystiques: Haunted Antiques

2024-08-29  695  中等

Gem will be joined by a small cast of lovably problematic prima donnas. “The women of Mystiques are partially inspired by the wave of grifters, scam artists and divas of the late 2010s and early 2020s, such as Anna Delvey, Caroline Calloway and Elizabeth Holmes,” Ally notes. “I just can’t help but be drawn towards them, partially because there’s a sick thrill in watching people misbehave but also part of me holds a genuine fondness for them … to exist as someone who can somehow mentally extract themselves from the psychodrama of being alive as a woman today to such an extent that you can commit heinously selfish and indulgent acts, and still consider yourself to have the moral high ground … that sounds very freeing. Maybe they’re on to something.”



