GUARDIAN  |  Books

Truss at 10 by Anthony Seldon review – how not to be PM

Truss’ decisions were the product of ‘self-reinforcing groupthink, as confidence and daring led to arrogance and, ultimately, hubris’.

2024-08-29  966  中等

As a former colleague, I think this encapsulates well how she was viewed within the parliamentary party under Cameron and May. Whether it was her speech to party conference on the “DISGRACE” of importing apples, pears and cheese, or her failure, as lord chancellor, to defend the judiciary when they were attacked in the media as “enemies of the people”, she was not seen as a political heavyweight, or taken seriously by most Conservative MPs. Seldon is kinder on her period as foreign secretary, where he sees her as having shown considerable acumen in establishing a reputation as an international crusader for liberty. But this was accompanied by an almost obsessional self-regard, with every overseas trip turned into a photo opportunity.



