The Iron Lady consigned to the ironing cupboard? Keir Starmer did pledge to do things differently | Marina Hyde

Keir Starmer in 10 Downing Street, London, 6 July 2024.

2024-08-30  989  中等

Alas, that which delights the Scottish book festival circuit garners mixed reviews elsewhere. “OUTRAGE AS STARMER REMOVES MAGGIE’S PORTRAIT,” thunders today’s Daily Mail splash, resurrecting a rolling obsession with this sort of thing. Back in 2012, the erroneous claim that Barack Obama had got rid of a bust of Winston Churchill in the White House became a long-running cause célèbre, taken up at various times by Obama haters ranging from then-Apprentice host Donald Trump to then-London mayor Boris Johnson. There is a dedicated page in the National Archives of the Obama administration that addresses this “urban myth” in remorseless detail.



