GUARDIAN  |  Games

UFO 50: A low-res, high-concept anthology of imaginary retro games

‘Every game could exist as a full release’ … UFO 50 video game artwork.

2024-08-30  674  中等

The conceit that ties the collection together is that all these games came from one mysterious (and fictional) 80s video game company, UFO Soft, which developed the entire catalogue for an equally fictional games console. They are a mix of single and multiplayer, and include everything from puzzle games and platformers to tactical war games, RPGs, and some which don’t fit into a typical category at all – such as Pingolf, a side-scrolling pinball-golf hybrid, or Waldorf’s Journey, where you must try to bounce your flying walrus into your friend’s flying walrus. Each of them looks like it could have been released for the NES, but with distinctly modern gaming sensibilities. Think low-res, high-concept.



