The future of the world may depend on what a few thousand Pennsylvania voters think about their grocery bills | Timothy Garton Ash

Kamala Harris stops at a gas station in the key state of Pennsylvania on 18 August 2024.

2024-08-30  1191  困难

Equally, if the US were a parliamentary democracy, and especially if it had an electoral system of proportional representation, the stakes would not be so high. The resulting government would depend on the party-political composition of parliament and in many such countries you routinely end up with coalition governments. Even in Britain’s “elective dictatorship”, as the Conservative politician Lord Hailsham (Quintin Hogg) once characterised the British political system, the prime minister has significantly less power than a US president. President Emmanuel Macron of France is now behaving as if he thinks he is the US president, with an unrestricted right to form the nation’s government, but that’s not what his country’s constitution says.



