The Grenfell inquiry is exposing a culture of contempt that has run deep in Britain for decades | Rowan Moore

The memorial wall next to Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2024, the seventh anniversary of the fire.

2024-09-01  1017  困难

This week, the public inquiry into Grenfell will deliver its final report, but its proceedings have already revealed how an electrical fault in a fridge led to the worst peacetime residential fire in the history of the United Kingdom. We know how the flames raced up the cladding and insulation, which had recently been applied to the exterior of the concrete structure, at a rate of 19 floors in 18 minutes, entering flats through their windows and filling the interiors with lethal smoke. We also know how multiple layers of deceit and the cynical pursuit of profit helped to make an avoidable disaster happen.



